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Database managment version 3.3


Database management version 3.3

Check status and repair

As your website grows larger from time to time databases can become corrupt. This is normally only on large database where sites are being added and removed from the indexing list. To cover this issue we have implemented a check database status and auto repair function in the admin control.

The function will check all tables within your database, and if any table is found to be corrupt or damaged these will automatically be repaired.

For very large databases this option can also be set as a cron job so that this is periodically done from time to time.

Database optimisation

Where databases are being re-index continually and links removed it is beneficial from time to time to optimise your database tables. From within the admin control you can optimise your database when you feel the need arises. This feature can also be set as a cron so this is done periodically for you.

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Article details
Article ID: 11
Category: Feature List
Date added: 2013-09-04 09:37:51
Views: 1098
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.2/5.0 (76)

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