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Sphider Pro version 3.3


Sphider Pro version 3.3

Sphider Pro has been given a complete overhaul, while doing this we have taken note of the many users of Sphider Pro and the recommendations that they have requested.

This has taken a little longer than expected but the new release should be available by the end of September 2013. If there are any delays in releasing version 3.3 we will post an update in our knowledge base.

Version 3.3 is packed with updates, easy installation interface, secure login and new features. We will be posting a complete list of features over the next few days. Sphider Pro is licened software and each licence only allows installation on one domain name only.

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Article details
Article ID: 5
Category: Sphider Pro Updates
Date added: 2013-09-03 13:33:06
Views: 1267
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (82)

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